Training and Capacity Building | CMCS Nepal
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Training and Capacity Building

Training and Capacity Building

Psychosocial Counseling Training

A six month training course designed with 600 hours consisting of three modules; theoretical contents (180 hours) & placement practice under supervision (300 hours), on-line consulting material (60 hours), on- line/distance supervision (40 hours) and direct supervision (20 hours). Training package consists of 40 % theory and 60% practicum. Direct supervision of trainees by psychologist / senior counselor includes observation of live case counseling. Supervisor provides formative feedback on improvement and provides ample opportunity to learn practical skills in counseling. National Health Training Centre has developed this training package with technical support from CMCS senior clinical psychologist.

Training course is designed to deliver skill based training with theoretical knowledge in order to improve access to quality counseling service in Nepal, which is clinically and technically supervised by the senior Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatrist.